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Published: 14-May-12
Adult ADHD - Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment
ADHD (Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder) is usually considered a childhood problem. But it's important to realize that many children with ADHD ? between 30 per cent and 70 per cent ? remain affected throughout their lives and require adult ADHD treatment.

Quite a few adults were not diagnosed with the disorder when they were younger don't realize that ADHD as an explanation for their problems, which may include poor organizational skills, bad time-keeping and lack of sustained attention. Their everyday lives can be extremely challenging compared to those of adults without the disorder, so diagnosis can actually be a great relief.

After being diagnosed with ADHD, an adult can finally start to make sense of the problems they may have suffered for quite a long time and start to seek help with treatment and therapy. Adult ADHD treatment can be similar to that for children ? many of the same stimulant drugs can be of subscribed, including the newer drug Strattera (atomoxetine).

Antidepressants can also be useful, either alongside or instead of stimulants. Antidepressants which target the brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine are the most effective. Tricyclics, an older form, can be used as well as the newer antidepressant drug Venlafaxine (Effexor). The antidepressant Bupropion (Wellbutrin) has resulted to be useful in trials of adult ADHD, and may also help reduce nicotine cravings.

As with all things, the effects of drugs can be different in adults compared to children and this is taken into account when treating adult AHDA. Doctors also evaluate if any other medications must be taken simutaneously for psychological or physical conditions, so that adverse interactions are ruled out.

Adults with ADHD can also benefit from education and psychotherapy. Learning that they have the condition often gives a sense of empowerment and relief - now they know what they are dealing with. With assistance, someone with ADHD can devise methods to counter the effects of the disorder. Some easy-to-implement tips include setting up systems with well-planned calendars, diaries, lists, notes, and official locations for important every-day essential items such as keys and wallets. Paperwork systems can help reduce the potential confusion of bills and other vital documents and letters. Instilling routines give a sense of order and achievement.

Psychotherapy can provide an opportunity to dig into the emotions related to ADHD, such as anger and depression. It can give self-esteem a lift through improved self-awareness and and offer support during the changes that medication brings about. Psychotherapy also helps ease the fatigue that comes with coninuous concious efforts to alter behavior and curb any destructive consequences of ADHD.

Another great role of therapy, as an adult ADHD treatment option, is that it helps the individual with the disorder; to see the up-side of their behavior. Besides the negative behaviors, which Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder can cause, the condition is also associated with attributes such as high energy, spontaneity, enthusiasm and creativity.

Republished with author's permission.